В Госдуме предложили компенсировать рост цен на обучение в вузах

Предложение депутата Леонова состоит в субсидировании увеличения стоимости обучения вузах за счет бюджета.

В пресс-службе партии «Ленте.ру» сообщили, что заместитель руководителя фракции ЛДПР в Госдуме Сергей Леонов предложил компенсировать рост цен на обучение в российских вузах за счет бюджета. Он предложил субсидировать ежегодное увеличение стоимости обучения по приоритетным направлениям.

The deputy said, «Today, according to the education law, universities have the right to annually increase the cost of tuition within the annual inflation rate. In the upcoming autumn session, the deputies of the LDPR faction (taking into account the suggestions and opinions of our regional and municipal colleagues) will prepare a draft law that will allow the government to subsidize the inflationary growth of tuition fees for the most demanded specialties in state structures from the federal budget over the next ten years.»

The parliamentarian believes that payment throughout the entire period of education can be made fixed, with the difference being compensated from the state treasury. According to the explanatory note, such an innovation will help prepare more specialists in demand in Russia, including information security, IT and data management, as well as classical fields such as teaching, medicine, engineering, and others.

Это будет значительной помощью для молодых специалистов, которые особенно нужны в период санкций.

Сергей Леоновдепутат Госдумы

According to Minister of Education and Science Valery Falkov, the average cost of education in Russian universities increased by nine percent in 2023. This puts a significant burden on the budget of families with young students studying on a commercial basis. Currently, the average annual tuition for a humanities student is 440,000 rubles, while for a technical specialist it is 480,000 rubles. Based on the Ministry of Education’s data on a nine percent increase in costs, the additional payment for a year of education in a university amounted to about 40,000 rubles. This is comparable to the median salary in the country,» added Sergey Leonov.

В Госдуме ранее были описаны особенности новой системы высшего образования.