В российском регионе полицейский переехал пьяного пожарного

In the Perm Krai, a drunk firefighter was hit by a police officer’s vehicle.

The police in Perm Krai relocated a drunken firefighter. The incident in the Russian region was brought to attention by the Telegram channel «112».

According to the source, the incident occurred in the evening on Friday, October 13th, in the village of Yusva. At the time of the incident, a police lieutenant was driving home for dinner in a Skoda car and didn’t notice an obstacle on the road. As a result, the police officer accidentally ran over a man who turned out to be a member of the local fire department. Later, it was discovered that the rescuer had fallen asleep on the road while being heavily intoxicated.

The injured man survived and was taken to a medical facility in the city of Kudymkar. There, the firefighter discovered fractures of several ribs and the collarbone. It is known that the police officer who hit him was sober, however, an official investigation will still be conducted regarding him.

10 октября в подмосковном Волоколамске произошел подобный инцидент, когда 24-летний младший сержант полиции, находясь в состоянии алкогольного опьянения, сбил пожарного.